Aamir Khan who recently gave one among the biggest hits of the year dangal celebrated his 52nd birthday. The actor who will subsequent be seen in the thugs of hindostan opened up about his kids junaid, ira and azad and what type of a father is he to them.
Speakinge to a magazine, Mr perfectionist aamir said that together with his first infant junaid and 0.33 toddler azad, things got diferent. He said the first infant receives the most attention as one is more frightened, cautious and extra worried during the primary time.
The actor admits that he is not someone who's completely there mentally most of the time and says kiran is a palms on mother and so changed into reena (his first spouse and mother in their kids junaid and ira). he further says, "I used to be not one of these fingers-on father besides for junaid all through the primary 12 months. Arms on is while you are sharing same duties together with your associate in bringing up the kid. I without a doubt i'm not sharing that. I am afraid i am a self-obsessed character, self obsessed means i am extra in my work, in my own international. And i'm more enthusiastic about matters i am doing, the world that i'm in, you may deliver it fancy phrase but the bottom line is that i'm captivated with my very own life."