Sarkaar three is an upcoming Bollywood political crime thriller movie written and directed by means of Ram Gopal Varma. That is the 3rd installment of Sarkar movie collection which stars Amitabh Bachchan once more in the lead position along Jackie Shroff, Manoj Bajpayee and Yami Gautam. The film is scheduled for a international release on 17 March 2017.
Releasing On | 7th April, 2017 |
Production | 25.00Cr |
P & A | 15.00Cr |
Landing Cost | 40.00Cr |
Releasing in Screens | 2000 |
First Day | 7.00Cr |
Second Day | 8.00Cr |
Third Day | 11.00Cr |
Weekend | 26.00Cr |
First Week | 39.00Cr |
Lifetime | 54-58Cr |
Verdict | Film should do 50.00Cr business at Indian box office to recover investment and some how it will live. |